“Catwalk to Courtroom: A Closer Look at Humber’s Fashion Law Society Club”

Written by: Tara Desic

Do you want to channel your inner “Elle Woods”? Well Humber has the perfect club for you! Humber’s Fashion Law Society was started by fashion management student Emelia Thompson earlier this September as a way for Humber students to learn more about this fascinating division of law. In our interview with Emelia, we learned more about the Humber’s Fashion Law Society, its key activities, and how to get involved.

What inspired you to start the Humber Fashion Law Society? What is it about? 

Emelia: I was inspired to start the Humber Fashion Law Society as I really enjoyed learning about fashion law in my Fashion Industry Analysis class with Francesca D’Angelo! I wanted to create a club where we could explore and educate people on the topic. There are so many unique opportunities and clubs for fashion students and Humber, so I figured, why not make one more? The Humber College Fashion Law Society is a dynamic student-led hub focusing on the intersection of fashion and law. We hope to bring engaging speakers, networking events and educational social media breakdowns that will allow members to explore critical areas of fashion law, such as intellectual property, fashion contracts, labor laws, and sustainability. With a mix of students from a variety of programs, I hope the club will foster collaboration and equip members with the knowledge to understand the importance of fashion law. 

Could you share some of the key activities and initiatives that the fashion law club is involved in? 

Emelia: Our main goal in the Humber Fashion Law Society is education. So, every week we put out a new case breakdown of important, recent or relevant fashion law cases from around the world. We post this case breakdown on Instagram as a way to reach a wide audience of members, students and people interested in the topic! 

Another facet of the club is events! It was an honor and pleasure to host Humber Fashion Law Society x Humber Legal Association’s Intellectual Property Law Workshop with guest speaker Alessia Monastero! We learned about all things Intellectual Property from parents to trademarks and copyright.

In what ways does the club contribute to educating its members and the broader community about the legal aspects of the fashion industry? 

Emelia: We are an education club at our core, that is our goal in everything we do. One of the main ways we contribute to educating members and the broader community is through our weekly case breakdowns posted on Instagram. They are easy to follow, quick to read and digestible so followers can come out of their daily Instagram scroll with new tidbits of knowledge and a renewed interest in fashion law! 

What has been the most rewarding aspect of leading the fashion law club for you?

Emelia: The Humber Fashion Law Society is only a few months old, but so far the most rewarding aspect of leading the club has been seeing so many people become interested in the topic! I am so happy every time we get a new follower on Instagram, and every time someone new shows interest in joining the club. 

As the founder of the fashion law club, what are your long-term aspirations for the organization, and how do you see it evolving in the coming years? 

Emelia: My main goal for the Humber Fashion Law Society is continued growth and education for members and the Humber community. 

From a legal perspective, what are some current issues going on in the world of fashion?

Emelia: In the world of fashion law, we are seeing an increase in copyright and trademark infringement. I have found most of our case breakdowns have focused on this. As “dupes” continue to become popular, companies must take increased caution to not infringe on the intellectual property of the product they are replicating.

How can students who are interested join the club? 

Emelia: Anyone interested in fashion law is welcome to join, no matter their program! Students can DM our Instagram account, email us at humbercollegefashionlawsociety@humber.com or fill out the form on our website!